I don't know what's wrong.

If you hate someone in your life.
Now, the best way is create groups at facebook.
Today, i would like to share 3 method to create a group but not let your enemy know. ==
First, the easiest method.
Just create a group and name it ' We love XXX '
Of course, love is 'love'.
Next, you can create a group and write ANTI-XXX big big.
But make sure, it is a private group. ==
Oh yeah i still don't know why.
Last, you can use describe method.
Describe the bad attitude, bad look, all the bad things of your enemy.
And title your group with that.
The end.
The is the three method i know now ONLY.
If you not 'lut', just write BIG BIG WE HATE XXX LA.
Don't say me 'lut'. =O
I think i din mention anyone's name in the post.
Don't fight.
This is a good holiday =)
I love good people. =)